Monday, May 21, 2012

friends with beards

I'm lucky to have friends that are willing to let me experiment my art projects on them.  Thank you Kyle and Kenny, my excellently bearded friends!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Treat Yo Self!

For the second project in the Guerilla Art unit we did chalkings!  Students created their own chalk and found motivational quotes to share with their peers.  Students also took into consideration the layout and font style to best convey their message.   I ended up doing "treat yo self!" from the hilarious show Parks and Recreation (if you haven't watched this show, i highly suggest you get on it!)

Monday, March 5, 2012

art leave-ins

 For my advanced drawing class I created an assignment that had the students create works of art that were to be left in public for someone else.  They could be left in library books, drawers at stores, coat pockets, etc.  For mine I decided to leave them at Goodwill!  It was the first Saturday of the month and supa busy.  

 It seemed fitting for the work, people are just people, they shouldn't make you nervous, to be put in the book Friends Always.


The other drawing was put into a frame.  It was fun being sneaky! 

This was our first assignment dealing with making our own art for the community.  In class we had an aesthetic discussion about the benefits and challenges with making community artwork.

more community artwork to come!!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

embarrassing story of the week " I'm a dancing machine!"

so here is my embarrassing story of the week: 
I come home from school wanting to exercise so I decide to dance in my kitchen.  I had my ipod cranked and my headphones on.  and I was dancing away; like really crazy stuff!  I was doing some breakdancing and I pulled out the moonwalk; classic stuff.  Well, about twenty minutes into my dancer-cise the back door to my apartment starts to open and a an old man pops his head around the door!  I scream and coil back while he slams the door closed! then I realized that it was the maintenance man that works for the apartment complex, so i run to the door and start to apologize.  He was trying to tell me that he was there to fix the toilet, but i told him I had fixed it when I got home. (it was really simple) I guess it had broken in the morning and my roommate didn't tell me she put in a fix request.  any whooo the guy said he had been outside forever pounding on the door and he could hear stomping but thought it  was the guys above! o golly it was really funny.  And for some reason thought it was necessary to tell him I was a dancing machine! When I get nervous or anxious I start to ramble and I have no control what comes out of my mouth.  it was pretty ugly. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Bomb Visit

"A Bomb Visit is a surprise visit from friends that is loud and fast!" - Miranda

So late one Wednesday night, we had a Bomb Visit from Phil, Miranda and Aly.  It was quite fun.  They brought over cactus in a jar! 

and a new fruit we had never tried.  Prickly Pear! - it had the texture of a watermelon but taste of a pear.